Pubs Code

Broader lessons: 'six well-resourced and sophisticated companies cannot expect to sit and wait for the regulator to tell them what they can and cannot do'


Compliance is not a choice

By Fiona Dickie – pubs code adjudicator

Those following the Morning Advertiser (MA) and national coverage of my investigation into Star Pubs and Bars will know that I found Star had committed twelve separate breaches of the pubs code, which they must now put right. I fined them £2m in respect...

Covid and the code: a top concern expressed by tenants since lockdown began has been their rent levels.


Rents, Covid and the code

By Fiona Dickie – pubs code adjudicator

A top concern expressed by tenants since lockdown began has been their rent levels. They want to know what the Pubs Code and the PCA can do. I am pleased to have this opportunity to set out the position.

New role: Fiona Dickie has been deputy pubs code adjudicator since November 2017

Government appoints new PCA

By Nikkie Thatcher

The Government has announced it has appointed Fiona Dickie as the new pubs code adjudicator (PCA), a role that was previously filled by Paul Newby.

Transparent data: pubcos regulated by the pubs code have started publishing monthly figures on responses to MRO-applications

Pubs code data published by BBPA

By Emily Hawkins

Pubcos regulated by the pubs code have started publishing monthly data on the numbers of market rent only (MRO) notices issued, conversion rates into MRO agreements and other trends.

Meetings planned: pubs code adjudicator Paul Newby will meet pubco chiefs in October

PCA responds to latest warnings over pubs code effectiveness

By Emily Hawkins

Pubs code adjudicator (PCA) Paul Newby is set to gather more evidence on the effectiveness of the pubs code after compliance reports from the six big pubcos appeared to confirm earlier research showing "significiant barriers" faced by tied tenants.

Timetable needed: BEIS minister Richard Harrington will take into consideration calls to begin a review into the pubs code early next year

Pubs code review considered for early 2019

By Emily Hawkins

Richard Harrington, Under Secretary of State for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS), has said he will consider calls for a review into the pubs code to begin at the start of 2019.

Important step: pubcos' 'commitment to clarity and transparency' is welcomed

Pubcos waive confidentiality rights over MRO

By Michelle Perrett

The six pub-operating businesses (POBs) covered by the pubs code have agreed to waive their right to confidentiality in market-rent-only (MRO) option arbitration decisions.

Rethink: SBPA says a pubs code in Scotland would cost jobs, investment and opportunities

SBPA warns against proposals to introduce a pubs code in Scotland

By Georgina Townshend

The Scottish Beer & Pub Association have called for a "rethink" on the proposed bill which would establish a pubs code in Scotland, saying that if successful, it would "cost jobs, investment and opportunities, while punishing tied-pubs...

Newby: report to be published in weeks

PCA report on pubcos and MRO due in weeks

By Michelle Perrett

The pubs code adjudicator (PCA) will publish a report in the "coming weeks" on the outcome of an investigation into the actions of pubcos regarding the market-rent-only (MRO) option.

Confusing elements: controversy has stalked the pubs code at every stage

Spotlight: When is MRO not MRO?

By Michelle Perrett

Controversy has stalked the pubs code at every stage. But one of the most confusing elements is licensees’ access to the market-rent-only (MRO) option. Here, we look at how this part of the legislation is progressing, or not, in some cases.

Pubs code adjudicator Paul Newby 'pubs code is not failing'

Pubs code adjudicator Paul Newby 'pubs code is not failing'

By Claire Churchard

With just a year under its belt, the pubs code still has a lot to prove. The Morning Advertiser talks to pubs code adjudicator (PCA) Paul Newby to find out why the legislation is making so many people frustrated and what he can do, and is doing, about...

Slow progress: adjudicator Paul Newby has so far settled just 48 cases.

Pubs code adjudicator receives over 550 enquiries in its first year

By Fred A'Court

More than 550 enquiries have been made to the pubs code adjudicator (PCA) in its first year with the overwhelming number of cases that have been accepted relating to the market-rent-only (MRO) option under which tied tenants can request to go free of...

Major milestone: a look back at the pubs code a year after its implementation

Pubs code: a year on

By Fred A'Court

It is now a year since the pubs code was introduced but neither the trade, nor consultants and legal advisers negotiating deals between breweries and pubs, or pressure groups, seem to be celebrating.

Under fire: pubs code adjudicator Paul Newby

Newby’s radio comments on PCA role spark anger

By Georgina Townshend

Pubs code adjudicator (PCA) Paul Newby has been slammed for the way he described his role in enforcing the pubs code during an interview with BBC Radio 4’s You and Yours programme this week.

Clarified: The Government has confirmed that stocking rights are still applicable to MRO tenancies

Stocking rights clarification for MRO tenants

By Liam Coleman

The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) has confirmed that stocking rights can be imposed on tenants by pubcos, even if the tenant has taken on the market-rent-only (MRO) option.

Pubs code and pubs code adjudicator analysis

Pubs code

Cracking the pubs code - Is it working?

By Ed Bedington

Since the launch of the pubs code, the opportunity for licensees to break away from their pub company has been on offer. But has the system been working to the benefit of all parties so far?

The Great British Pub Revolution documentary to air tonight

Pubs Code

ITV documentary on pubs code to air tonight

By Liam Coleman

Paul Newby will discuss opposition to his appointment as pubs code adjudicator as part of an ITV documentary on the code that will air tonight (December 8).